I'm sorry if my "apostate" statement seemed a little callous.... it was late and I had just spent 8 hours sitting in some VERY uncomfortable seats. I have complete sympathy for those that left the organization.... as my wife had to get DF'ed so that we could get married (she had been married before), and I could see the tremendous pressure that she was put under.
But her ex-husband, who cheated on her countless times, just quit going and moved on. Now he still has contact with his family, and we even saw him at the Memorial. Also, my brother-in-law never got baptized and "ratted-out" a bunch of his Kingdom Hall buddies when he was in high school.... and he seems to be doing fine also. But I can see that if you've been entrenched in everything for a long period of time, it would be difficult to sever the ties.
I, personally, don't have a problem with any of it. Its just another religion to me, and if you follow their tenets closely, nothing bad is really going to happen to you. It's not like some cults who demand all of your money, or for you pack up and move to a compound.... they just want you to go door-to-door, don't commit adultry, don't smoke, and go to the boring meetings. Of course, I don't take any of it too seriously, so maybe it easier for me to see the silly side.